How to allow incoming web traffic to a web server in an Azure VM
In the Azure Portal
1. Select Left Menu => Virtaul Machines
a. Select the Virtual Machine.
b. In the setting tab of virtual machine go to networking option.
c. click on add Inbound port.
i. In Name option enter Web or HTTP.
ii. Source=>any or Internet
iii.Source port ranges=>*(important!).
iv.Destination =>Any
v. Protocol=>any or TCP
vii.Destination port range: 80(web server's configured port)
viii.leave other option to their default.
d.Now use http://VMpublicIP/ in internet browser. (VMPublicIp is actually your Azure VM public IP. )you should be able to access the web site from Azure VM.
For more details below microsoft link can be used.
1. Select Left Menu => Virtaul Machines
a. Select the Virtual Machine.
b. In the setting tab of virtual machine go to networking option.
c. click on add Inbound port.
i. In Name option enter Web or HTTP.
ii. Source=>any or Internet
iii.Source port ranges=>*(important!).
iv.Destination =>Any
v. Protocol=>any or TCP
vii.Destination port range: 80(web server's configured port)
viii.leave other option to their default.
d.Now use http://VMpublicIP/ in internet browser. (VMPublicIp is actually your Azure VM public IP. )you should be able to access the web site from Azure VM.
For more details below microsoft link can be used.