How to Practice and Improve your Sql and PLSql Skills

Everybody are you know for preparing for an interview it's very very difficult as we consider ourselves master in technology and feel like we know everything including SQL server.
The catch is with the advent of NoSQL and entity framework SQL server is asked rarely in an interview but in case its asked we get a shock because we didn't practice for it.

below are good websites I found very useful for practising SQL or PLSQL — Provides practice and quizzes to boost your skills

SQLTeaching — If you like learn by example introductions to new languages this is the resource for you.

SQLCourse — Interactive online SQL training

PGExercises — For those who learn by doing, try jumping right in with these exercises

SQLFiddle — Completely free-form SQL practice. Build your own schema, run queries, or practice on a sample fiddle. If you like JSFiddle this is a similar tool.


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