SMS help for finding routes in Bangalore city

SMS help for finding routes in Bangalore city : [9008890088]

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This is useful/Authentic information for people who travel by Auto and we will be able to know the rate, route and the distance too. (Free Service)

9008890088 is an SMS-based location search and direction finding service that provides directions to people with or without Smart phones to any location in Bangalore.

The SMS service is available free of charge and all you pay is the standard SMS rate according to your plan. It needs no subscription.

The service is reliable and involves very little waiting time.

The reply back time varies from 3 seconds to 1 minute depending on the mobile operator’s message traffic congestion and availability of signals.

Only you need to do is SMS to 9008890088.

The example usages are:

Example 1: FROM Mekri circle TO ESI Hospital

Example 2: INOX

Example 3: SBI atm NEAR M G Road

You will get a reply SMS with the exact location and shortest directions to reach place from a prominent landmark.

And also with total distance in Kilometers and approximate Auto fare.

Note: This really works and there are no message charges if you have free sms service (like 100 sms/day)

For other formats refer :


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