
Showing posts from June, 2012

JQuery Form Validation with twitter bootstrap

JQuery Form Validation with twitter bootstrap with all the code download available.

HTML 5 Validators without writing actual scripting code just declaring attributes in html 5 will validate

Twitter bootstrap form generator

Twitter bootstrap from generator

Twitter Bootstrap Form Tutorial with Practice Online Option : Nice Article

Nice Artical of Twitter Bootstrap Nice Tool to try the code online.

BSNL Landlien Duplicate Bill

BSNL Landlien Duplicate Bill BSNL landline connection is one of the commonly used landline providers all over India. BSNL started with landline connection provision and today has gone up to many advanced technologies provisions via mobile phones and internet connection. This article speaks about methods to get BSNL landline duplicate bill and more. How to acquire BSNL landline duplicate Bill via online In order to acquire BSNl landline duplicate bill via online the foremost requirement would be to have an online account on BSNl official site. In order to get the credentials of online account of BSNl official site you should approach the concerned department of your nearest area. After you get the login credentials you should log on to  and enter the login link. Now after you enter your login credentials you will be logged on to the personal account of yours on this website. Now if you would like to get the details on your Landline bill and would

Convert Syncronous call to Asyncronous call Using C#

Convert Syncronous call to Asyncrounous call Syncronous call string html = WebClient().DownloadString( new Uri ("")); Sync to Async Using Task Library Task task = new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync (new Uri ("")); task.ContinueWith (_ => { if (task.Exception != null) task.Exception.InnerException.Dump(); else { string html = task.Result; html.Dump(); } }); Sync to Async Using Await feature Task task = new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync (new Uri ("")); string html = await task; html.Dump();

Twitter bootstrap

twitter bootstrap is a toolkit which provide us to design website with compatability to any browser and any devices. below is blog from david hayden. one nice these i got button  download website. Re